As a 60-year guitar owner, including finally getting a Martin. A sometimes but not often player. Good luck with the Banjo, don't give up it only takes practice, more practice then after that more practice.
As a 60-year guitar owner, including finally getting a Martin. A sometimes but not often player. Good luck with the Banjo, don't give up it only takes practice, more practice then after that more practice.
I've actually owned it for about 20 years and can play a little, but can't do Scruggs-style licks or rolls very fluidly. What can I say, I'm no Steve Martin.
As a 60-year guitar owner, including finally getting a Martin. A sometimes but not often player. Good luck with the Banjo, don't give up it only takes practice, more practice then after that more practice.
I've actually owned it for about 20 years and can play a little, but can't do Scruggs-style licks or rolls very fluidly. What can I say, I'm no Steve Martin.